获取FB的access token..Dolphin —one of the best Facebook Ads Automation Tools ever! Full tutorial.

Getting Access Tokens

An access token is a key to your Facebook ad accounts. Using them one can create new campaigns, view statistics, etc. All of these actions are done using Facebook’s Marketing API. This is how to get a token:

  1. Login to your Facebook account and go to https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/manage/campaigns/
  2. Open your browser’s Dev Tools by pressing F12 on your keyboard and go to Console tab.
  3. Enter this text there: window.__accessToken
  4. Now your token will be displayed. Usually it starts with EAABsb. Copy it somewhere, we’ll need it a bit later.

1713512327-Dolphin —one of the best Facebook Ads Automation Tools ever! Full tutorial. _ by Yellow Web _ Medium (2024_4_19 15_37_16)